Atomoxetine May Aid Memory in Older Women
By David Douglas
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 22 - Atomoxetine may improve subjective
attention and reduce memory difficulties in perimenopausal and postmenopausal
women, researchers report in a February 2nd online paper in Menopause.
根據 The Journal of Menopause 二月份發表的研究指出:更年期與停經後的婦女使
Dr. C. Neill Epperson told Reuters Health by email that "subjective declines
in memory, focus and organization are common in mid-life women. We believe
that the results of our small randomized clinical trial provide proof-of-concept
that atomoxetine may improve subjective memory, attention and concentration."
Dr. C. Neil Epperson表示:「記憶力障礙的問題常見於中年婦女,我們相信此次的
的角色,提供一個觀念性驗證 (proof-of-concept, 請指點要怎麼翻比較好!!) 的佐證。」
"These findings will need to be confirmed in a larger randomized clinical trial
before clinical recommendations can be made. However, women who are
concerned about memory changes in mid-life may wish to discuss the results of
this study with their doctor," he added.
Dr. C.N. Epperson接著說:「此次實驗的結果仍須要其他更大型的臨床試驗以進行確
認(sample size的確是不夠大...) 。然而,關心本身記憶衰退問題的中年女性們,仍
Dr. Epperson of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia,
and colleagues sought to determine the effect of the drug in 16 women with
memory complaints but no history of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) or other psychiatric disorders.
菲律賓Pennsylvania大學醫學院的Dr. Epperson收納了16位有記憶問題困擾,且沒有
They were enrolled in a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of
atomoxetine 80 mg/day during two 6-week treatment periods separated by a
4-week washout period.
本實驗設計為:雙盲交叉試驗(placebo vs. atomoxetine 60 mg/day)
共各有六週的投藥 or 安慰劑的treatment periods
中間的washout period為四個禮拜
The Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (BADDS) was used to systematically
elicit self-report of perceived cognitive difficulties in executive function.
This 40-item measure asks respondents to use a scale of 0-3 (where 0 = "no
problem or never" and 3 = "kind of a big problem or almost every day"). Mean
baseline score was 37.9 in all participants and 42.3 in the 12 who completed
both arms of the study.
定程度填寫 0-3 分 ( 0 = 沒問題/從不 ; 3 = 噢這是個大問題~/這每天都在發生)。
BADDS scores fell to 25.5 with atomoxetine, a significant difference (p = 0.009).
Although scores decreased to 30.1 under placebo, the difference from baseline
wasn't significant (p= 0.2).
BADDS of Baseline BADDS of Post-treatment p-value
Atomoxetine 42.3 25.5 0.009*
Placebo 42.3 30.1 0.2
There was no observable effect on levels of depression or anxiety with
"Such research could be useful to test whether self-report elicited with ADHD
rating scales may capture midlife-onset cognitive impairments of women that
may not be captured adequately by neuropsychological tests," say the investigators.
這個效度與信度 可能需要其他實驗設計來佐證...
They also suggest that higher doses of atomoxetine and "studies using other
medications approved for treatment of ADHD in adults might also be useful" in
such patients.
The study was funded by an investigator-initiated grant from Eli Lilly &
Company and in part by the National Institute of Mental Health.
本試驗由Eli Lill藥廠和國家精神健康研究機構贊助執行
Menopause. Posted online February 2, 2011
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